The Inspirational Yogi Series Begins...

Are you doing yoga because you were inspired by a great teacher or yogi? This is the case for many yoga enthusiasts. 

It can be so inspirational to find out about the paths of influential yogis who came before us, as well as those who are doing incredible work in the world at present.

So this is the first in a series of articles about famous yogis, gurus and swamis - we start off with a little info about the lingo.... 

See the full article here.

Meet the yogis here:

1. 10 Essential Lessons From Guruji, The Founder Of Mysore Style Yoga

2. “Be Easeful, Peaceful and Useful,” The Story Of Sri Swami Satchidananda
3. Was Sivananda the most generous yogi that ever lived?

5 Things to Consider When Deciding Which Style of Yoga to Practice

Yoga newbies often ask which style of yoga to practice, so I've put together some of the main reasons you might choose one style over another:

1. You're looking for a strong physical practice
2. You like to get hot and sweaty
3. You're into perfect alignment
4. You need some healing
5. You're interested in the spiritual aspects of yoga

Read the full article to find out which style would suit you.

Styles of yoga often overlap, so these are not cast in stone - but it will give you a starting point!

Samadhi - Everything is Here In This Moment

This is the last in a series of articles I'm writing for Zen Monkey on The Eight Limbs of Yoga.

This one is about the eighth limb, Samadhi, where we achieve perfection in concentration and meditation. 

To help build an understanding of this concept, I give some perspectives from 3 of the great teachers of yoga and meditation.

Read the article on the Zen Monkey site here. 

It's Official - Yoga Can Help With Stress

Most yoga practitioners know that yoga makes them feel good, and it helps them deal with stress.

Science is starting to understand the mechanisms behind this, and there is a lot of research going on about how this might work.

I wrote this short piece for Elephant Journal referencing a few studies which explain some of the science behind it.

Dhyana - Meditation

This is part of a series of articles I'm writing for Zen Monkey on The Eight Limbs of Yoga.

This one is about the seventh limb, Dhyana, where we start to enter the continuous stream of meditation. 

I give 3 ways to find out if you may have entered the state of dhyana.

Read the article on the Zen Monkey site here. 

Dharana - One Focus

This is part of a series of articles I'm writing for Zen Monkey on The Eight Limbs of Yoga.

This one is about the sixth limb, Dharana, where we encounter the mind directly. Dharaṇa is about focus and concentration, a step on the road to meditation.

I give 5 techniques for how you can start to bring this into your practice.

Read the article on the Zen Monkey site here. 

Pratyahara - The Isolation Station

This is part of a series of articles I'm writing for Zen Monkey on The Eight Limbs of Yoga.

This one is about the fifth limb, Pratyahara, where we to find a way to pay less attention to the sights, sounds, smells, feelings and thoughts which feed our ‘monkey mind’. 

I explain the science behind it, and some ways to start practicing pratyahara.

Read the article on the Zen Monkey site here.